Order terms

The online shop products is sold by Koskisen Oyj (business ID: 0148241-9, VAT number: FI01482419,), Tehdastie 2, FI-16600 Järvelä. We reserve the exclusive right to change the terms of the agreement without advance notification.

This page contains our general terms of agreement which are applied to online trade at the address www.thinplywood.com (hereinafter “service”). These terms of agreement are applied to the trade relationship between Koskinen and its customers. Orders are governed by the accepted terms of agreement effective at the time of each order, which are listed on the thinplywood.com page ‘Terms of deliveries and returns.’

Koskisen sells its products to private persons (at least 18 years of age) and businesses both in Finland and abroad (“customers”). The online trade of thin plywood products adheres to the distance selling provisions laid down in Chapter 6 of the Consumer Protection Act (1978/38). Customers can register as users of the service by filling in the registration form and selecting a username and password. Orders can also be placed without registration. Registration is free of charge. Customers are responsible for all orders placed by using their usernames and passwords, and for holding this information in confidence. Customers may not disclose their usernames and passwords to third parties.

Koskisen cannot be held liable for the unauthorised use of the service.

Upon placing an order, it is the customer’s obligation to provide the requisite contact information, including at least their name, address, telephone number and e-mail address for the delivery of the order and relevant order documents. Delivery time estimates are based on Koskisen’s inventory status. Koskisen cannot be held liable for any delays caused by unforeseen changes, but is responsible for notifying customers of any such delays as soon as possible. When placing an order, the customer undertakes to adhere to the terms of agreement effective at that time. The terms of agreement must always be accepted in the order system before making an order. The terms accepted by the customer will be observed between the parties until the completion of the trade, and Koskinen may not change the terms within this time period.

Contact information for the company:

Koskisen Thin Plywood Industry
Otavantie 395
FI-52550 Hirvensalmi

Contact information for the customer service:



Through our online shop, you can order products safely and easily. To place an order, move the products into the shopping cart and pay them at checkout. The order is confirmed at checkout in the final phase of the order. All orders are confirmed with an e-mail message that lists the order price, shipping costs and the products ordered. To receive the e-mail confirmation, you must provide your e-mail address in conjunction with the order. The confirmation contains important information on your order and should be retained. In the context of each order, the customer commits to the terms of delivery effective at that time.

In the case of errors related to delivery times or other aspects, we reserve the right to make relevant changes afterwards. In these cases, we will contact the customer to provide notification of the changes. The customer is entitled to change or withdraw the order at this time.

Products and prices

The product prices are provided in conjunction with the product presentations. All prices are listed in euros (EUR). The prices to be charged include value-added tax. The value-added tax and shipping costs will be added at checkout. Koskisen Oyj reserves the right to change the products, technical specifications and prices listed on the website and to rectify any substantial errors in product pricing and product information.

Taxes and customs fees

Our products are subject to value-added tax. The tax breakdown is provided in the shopping cart and the order confirmation. The VAT-inclusive invoicing price is determined based on the Value-added Tax Act effective at that time.

The buyer is responsible for any additional costs caused by changes in value-added tax and other taxes. Similarly, the buyer is responsible for any possible payments, such as customs fees, imposed by authorities at a later time.

Liabilities, insurance policies and transport

The seller will, at the buyer’s cost, arrange the transport of the products referred to in this agreement and will insure the delivery up to the destination indicated by the buyer. The seller is regarded as the beneficiary. The risk related to the products is passed from the seller to the buyer upon the products being delivered to the agreed location.

Liability for errors and compensations

Koskisen operates on the basis that all deliveries match the orders and the products sold are always free of errors.

Koskisen’s liability for errors in relation to a consumer customer is determined based on the compelling consumer protection legislation.

Koskisen’s liability for errors in relation to an entrepreneur customer is limited to the following: Koskisen may at its sole discretion remedy the error at its own cost, replace the faulty product with a new faultless one or reimburse the price paid for the faulty product. Customers must return faulty products at Koskisen Oy’s cost and according to its instructions.

Koskisen’s liability for damages towards the customer in relation to any damage caused by a product is limited to direct damage.

Product specifications are based on long-term testing, but they are indicative and non-binding to us. We reserve the right to make changes. Errors other than those clearly related to the manufacture or delivery of a product are the user’s responsibility. Compensation for a faulty product may not exceed the value of the product in question. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for the misuse of a product. The suitability of the product for any specific use must be confirmed with the manufacturer.

In the event that a product is lost or damaged in transit or the product deviates from your order in some other way, you must send written notification of the error no later than within fourteen (14) days to the address listed in the ‘Right of withdrawal and terms of return’ section or call the telephone number provided in the contact information. If the package has been clearly damaged during transport, you must immediately lodge a complaint with the transport company that handled your selected mode of delivery.

Koskisen Oyj cannot be held liable to the customer for any indirect or consequential damage.

Inspection and complaints

Unless otherwise agreed, buyers operating as entrepreneurs must check the goods upon receipt and prepare any written completes regarding errors without delay, however, no later than within eight (8) days of receiving the goods.

Consumer customers must lodge any complaints within a reasonable length of time from the point at which the error was observed or should have been observed. However, complaints may always be lodged for two months from the time at the error was noticed by the buyer.

Force majeure

Koskisen cannot be held liable for damage caused by force majeure incidents. These are unexpected events or conditions that Koskisen has been unable to influence through its actions and resolve by any reasonable means. This includes, but is not limited to, activities or negligence by authorities, new or changed legislation, labour dispute, war or threat thereof, fire, explosion, food, natural disaster or major accident. Koskisen is obliged to notify customers of such obstacles without delay.

Confidentiality and data protection

Customer information is stored in a customer register maintained by Koskisen, which is used to manage customer relationships. The company’s privacy statement, which adheres to the applicable EU and national data protection legislation, can be viewed at https://www.koskisen.com/privacy-statement/. Koskisen will not disclose address information to third parties for direct marketing purpose. Customers may prohibit the use and processing of their information by contacting Koskisen’s customer service.


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Other information

Intellectual property rights, logos and trade marks

Any intellectual property rights regarding the Koskisen service and its content, including but not limited to trademarks and copyrights on the www.thinplywood.com site are the property of Koskisen and its affiliated companies or licensors. Use of the service or its content, including but not limited to copying or saving this content in part or in full for purposes other than personal non-commercial use is prohibited without advance written consent from Koskisen.

Colours of product photos

We cannot guarantee that the colours in the product photos exactly match each product’s natural colours as colour reproduction will change as a result of display settings. Wood is a living material and each panel is unique. For this reason, a photo or sample cannot be regarded as an absolutely accurate representation of the product in terms of colour, grain, knots and other aspects.

Applicable law and dispute resolution

These terms and conditions are governed by Finnish law, with the exception of its conflict-of-law rules.

Koskisen will strive to resolve any disputes arising between the company and online shop customers through negotiations.

However, consumer customers are always entitled to refer any disputes regarding these terms and conditions to The Consumer Disputes Board (https://www.kuluttajariita.fi) for resolution. Before presenting a matter to The Consumer Disputes Board, the consumer customer must first contact the consumer advisory services maintained by a competent local register office (https://www.kuluttajaneuvonta.fi).

In addition to contacting the aforementioned dispute resolution bodies, consumer customers are entitled to lodge a complaint and look for alternative dispute resolution methods to court proceedings through the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution website (http://ec.europa.eu/odr/). In any dispute resolution between Koskisen and consumer customers living in Finland, however, the primary alternative to court proceedings is The Consumer Disputes Board.

Despite what is stated above, a consumer customer may take legal action against Koskisen Oy in relation to disputes arising from debts under these terms, either through the district court of Koskisen’s domicile or the Finnish municipality within the jurisdiction of which the consumer customer in question resides.

In the event that a dispute between Koskisen and a non-consumer customer (i.e. entrepreneur) with regard to these terms and conditions cannot be resolved through mutual negotiations, the matter will be ultimately resolved in the District Court of Etelä-Savo in accordance with Finnish legislation.